A kendma with the tama on the spike standing on the tableKendama

How to Play Kendama

Welcome to the exciting world of kendama! If you’re new to this traditional Japanese skill toy or looking to improve your kendama skills, you’ve come to the right place. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the basics of how to play kendama and help you unleash your inner kendama master.

The Anatomy of a Kendama


Before we dive into the tricks and techniques, let’s familiarize ourselves with the kendama’s components. A kendama consists of a handle, a ball, and a string. The handle is where you grip the kendama, the ball is what you manipulate, and the string connects the two. Understanding these parts is essential for mastering kendama play.

Read more about the anatomy of a kendama

Getting Started: Mastering the Kendama Grip

To start playing kendama like a pro, you need to get your grip right. Hold the handle firmly but comfortably, near the base. This grip provides stability and control, giving you the foundation you need to perform tricks with confidence.

Learn how to master the kendama grip

The Initial Throw: Perfecting Your Technique

Now that you have the grip down, it’s time to perfect your initial throw. Lift the ball slightly and release it smoothly, allowing the string to unwind. With practice, you’ll achieve consistent and controlled throws, setting the stage for impressive kendama play.

Read our guide on perfecting the initial throw

Cup Catches: Building the Foundation

Mastering cup catches is crucial in kendama play. Start by catching the ball in the large cup, gradually progressing to the smaller cups. It may take time to land the perfect catch, but with perseverance, you’ll build a strong foundation for more advanced tricks.

Master cup catches with our tutorial

Landing the Spike: Nailing the Core Skill

One of the core skills in kendama is landing the ball on the spike. It may seem challenging at first, but with practice, you’ll improve your accuracy and consistency. Align the hole in the ball with the spike and watch the magic happen. Stick with it, and you’ll become a spike-nailing superstar.

Check out our guide to nailing the spike

Balancing Acts: Unleashing Your Creativity

Kendama offers endless opportunities for creative expression through balancing tricks. Experiment with balancing the ball on the spike or inside the hole at the bottom of the kendama. These tricks require control and focus, and they’ll take your kendama play to the next level.  Learn how to unleash your balancing skills

Advanced Techniques: Taking Your Skills to the Next Level

Once you’ve mastered the fundamentals, it’s time to level up your kendama game. Try juggling multiple kendamas or mastering intricate spike variations. These advanced techniques will challenge you and push your skills to new heights. Get ready to impress your friends with your kendama prowess.

Explore our tutorial on mastering advanced kendama techniques

Practice and Progression: The Path to Kendama Mastery

Becoming a kendama master takes practice and patience. Set aside regular practice sessions to improve your hand-eye coordination, timing, and overall control. Embrace the journey of kendama mastery, celebrating your progress and enjoying the process. Remember, it’s not just about reaching the destination but enjoying the ride along the way.

That’s all we have for today but we have plenty of other useful tutorials below!

How To String A Kendama: In Depth Guide

Whats The Point Of A Kendama

Penguin Spike Kendama Trick

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