


How to Goon Circle Kendama

What’s going on everyone welcome back to the blog, and today we are going to be learning how to do the goon circle.


Now the goon circle is similar to the moon circle but instead of going to the side of our bodies, we’re gonna be going in front of our body. so if you have not check out our review on how to do the moon circle kendama trick go check it out. So let’s jump into the steps of how to break this trick down.


Now one of the other main differences between the moon circle and the goon circle is that with the moon circle, when we catch the ken we let the Tama swing up and then you will come to a spike after that.


How To Start Goon Circle


With the goon circle we’re gonna catch the ken and go directly to the spike. So let’s just practice that first part I want you to just get that motion going and when you release just practice catching it first and when you catch it you want to try focusing on catching the Ken in a good solid Ken grip.

Grip For Goon Circle


Now this is gonna take some time to get consistent at you might find yourself grabbing the cups or grabbing below the the slip but you want to really just focus on grabbing a nice and controlled Ken grip. Get that prep, release, catch. That’s that first step right there just catching the ken nice and controlled Ken grip.


So as we’re practicing just the release and the catch getting a nice controlled catch we really want to focus on next is right when you make that catch you want to use your knees. So this is gonna allow for the Tama to create a little bit of slack so the Tama doesn’t go everywhere right when you catch the ken.

How To Catch Goon Circle


You may find when you catch the Ken when you’re going for this trick that the Tama may spin out of control or may go in a different direction what’s really gonna help with that is utilizing your knees and right when you catch the Ken.


Using your knees right there it’ll allow for the Tama to come around nice and slow so that you can have a better look to set you up for that spike. So you want to practice that and you don’t have a consistent tama rotation yet try to just catch the ball on the big cup.


So right when you release, catch, try to spot the ball coming straight down to the big cup. Now the ideal rotation of the Tama right when you catch the Ken the tama should be facing away from you or the hole of the Tama should be facing away from you, and then that’s just about a 270 degree rotation to come all the way full circle to spike.


So you’re gonna be catching the Tama should be just about here, you want to initiate your knees right here so that you can get out of the way so the Tama has enough moment to come around you can cleanly land that goon circle spike.


Now this trick is challenging it’s going to take a lot of practice and it’s really important to be aware of how you’re catching with your hand because this trick, when you practice it over and over and over again, this Ken is hitting your hand so just be careful with yourself. Don’t push yourself too hard but know that you can get it with time and patience.


It’s just going to take that nice and controlled action.


So some challenges you may come across while during the goon circle is


1: just the angle of release like where you release the Ken you may find that the lagoon circle is going away from you and you’re having to reach in front of your body for it. Or you may find that it’s coming too close to your body and you’re not having enough space to land the trick.


So, what you really want to focus on is just right where you release the can it’s going to be like right in front of your body. not a full extended arm and not close to your body just a nice and relaxed elbow right in front of your body and that’s gonna help in the rotation. So that my friends is the goon circle.


Super fun trick to learn it’s a great trick to add into any freestyle or any games of Ken. May throw your friends off-guard when you land that goon circle in front of them.



Read More: How To Cup Spike Kendama


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