


How to C-WHIP: Kendama Trick

Welcome, everyone! I’m thrilled to teach you how to perform the C Whip kendama trick. The C Whip is a unique and challenging trick, so be sure to follow along and read carefully to master it.

C Whip Kendama Grip

To begin, let’s learn the proper grip for the C Whip trick. Start by holding the kendama upside down with four fingers. Your hand should be positioned with four fingers on the handle and your pointer finger on the string.

Next, rotate your hand so that it is facing straight up. There should be a small gap between the tama (ball) and your finger.

This gap is where the loop will form for the trick. Make sure the big cup is facing you, as this is where the loop will attach. Create a loop with the string and keep the loop on your pointer finger.

Take the loop and go right underneath the big cup, landing the trick like this. Now, let’s move on to the next part of the trick, where the “C” motion comes in.

C Whip

With the loop in place, move your hand from right to left, creating a “C” shape with your finger. This motion will result in a penguin grip with the loop underneath the big cup, resting on your finger. Make the movement smooth and fluid.

To finish the trick, transition into an Airplane move. While this transition can be difficult, the airplane is one of the easiest ways to complete the C Whip trick.

If you’re having trouble making the loop, focus on the part of the string that creates the loop. Ensure the string is getting close to the big cup. If not, you may need to make adjustments.

Kendama is all about learning from your failures and improving, so keep practicing and adjusting your technique. For added flair, try incorporating a Juggle after landing the C Whip.

The C Whip is a highly creative and difficult trick. It may take time to master, but once you do, there’s no better feeling in the world.

Read More: How to SNAKE BITE – Kendama Trick Tutorial


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