Mastering the Kendama Trick: Faster Than Gravity

The kendama world is full of tricks that challenge gravity and push the boundaries of what’s possible with this skill toy. One such trick that will leave your audience in awe is the “Faster Than Gravity.” In this guide, we’ll break down the concept and execution of this gravity-defying maneuver.


The “Faster Than Gravity” kendama trick lives up to its name by defying the laws of physics. It’s all about speed, precision, and performing a move so swift that it appears to move faster than gravity itself. Imagine holding the kendama’s handle high above your head, letting the ball (Tama) dangle on the string, and then executing a rapid and precise motion to spike the Tama before it even has a chance to fall. It’s a challenge that will test your hand-eye coordination and reflexes.

The Execution

Here’s how you can execute the “Faster Than Gravity” trick:

  1. Starting Position: Begin by holding the kendama’s handle above your head with your arm fully extended. Let the Tama dangle freely on the string.
  2. Swift Motion: In one super-fast and swift motion, pull the Tama down sharply before it begins to descend naturally due to gravity. The key here is speed and precision.
  3. The Spike: As you pull the Tama down, simultaneously move the kendama’s handle downwards and position the spike directly under the Tama.
  4. Precision is Key: The goal is to spike the Tama before it hits the ground. This requires split-second timing and exceptional hand-eye coordination.

Tips for Success

Mastering the “Faster Than Gravity” trick takes practice and skill. Here are some tips to help you succeed:

  • Speed and Control: Practice rapid, controlled movements to build your hand-eye coordination. The trick’s success hinges on your ability to move swiftly and accurately.
  • Visualize the Move: Before attempting the trick physically, visualize the entire sequence in your mind. Understanding the flow and timing is crucial.
  • Stay Relaxed: Tension in your movements can hinder your performance. Keep your motions fluid and stay relaxed.
  • Experiment and Innovate: Don’t be afraid to experiment with variations of the trick. Push your limits and explore new possibilities.


The “Faster Than Gravity” kendama trick is a testament to the creativity and innovation that kendama enthusiasts bring to the sport. While it may seem like you’re defying the laws of physics, with practice and dedication, you can master this exhilarating maneuver. Remember to stay patient and persistent, as kendama is all about personal growth and pushing your skills to new heights. Happy kendama-ing, and may your tricks always be faster than gravity!

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